Saturday, December 13, 2008
***ChRiStMaS tImE***!!!!=-]
Yay Christmas time is finally HERE!!!:) We just put up our Christmas tree! I have been pretty busy X mas shopping and I gotta Angel tree girl this year that I'm buying stuff for... Pretty cool to try to help someone who doesn't have a lot of money to have a nice Christmas!!!So yeah i babysat last night...I think were going to some Christmas thing at the Creation Museum next week i dunno I'm just wanting X mas break to come around ha ha!!!I crammed with a bunch of test and all the good stuff that comes along with schoolwork!!:)I feel as if my post are becoming extremely boring!!! So I'll shall go and do something productive with my life!! laterz *LoVe Callie...*
Thursday, November 20, 2008
OK PEOPLE!!!!!!!=)
Hey... ppl lol I haven't been on here in months!!!!!OK ok I'm on now:) So we went out of town last week back home to Memphis to visit Fam. and visit colleges for My sis Emily!!!! She has decided were she is going this Fall... Blue mountain college in Blue Mountain Mississippi!!!:) I'ts only an hour from Memphis so she can visit the Fam on weekends and stuff. It's a very small college only about 500 students but she likes it so it's cool!!! She can't wait to leave here hahaha and go back south but... I don't want her to at all Its going to be really sad to loose my sis!!='( well i gtg there is so so much that's happened lately I can't cram it in now but later I will !
Thursday, October 2, 2008
This week =)
So this week... business is all i gotta say haha!We have had people over for bonfires,babysitting ,and I worked in a nursery today for some co-op thingy ...Im soooo happy it's almost the weekend yaaaeehh!!!It's just mom and I This weekend everybody else it out of town in Memphis so were pretty much going to parT LOL!!!:)jk jk jk jk!Anywaysss this week has been great im sooo excited bout sumpin!!!but neway i'm not sayin haha but i gtg :)btw i think i'm putting pics on soon!!gotta go babysit now though ... lol what else do i do???
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
so........ I'm on again :-)
Im so Happy I'm back on here :)So im at the library ughh it's so boring i wish i could actually get on the computer at my own house :( sniffle ...And I don't have to sit next to weird ppl that i don't know haha!!! anyway life has been quite borin let me tell you!!!OK so school started more babysitting annnd need I say more??? I don't think so !! LOL anyway Im babysittin tomorrow from eight in the morning to eight tomorrow night:)It will be fun i guess then i got major schoolwork and test to cram for because I missed that day :( saddness well I need to go (listen to my new song3> ) love ya byez
Friday, August 29, 2008
Im soooo mad about this!!
It's so annoying I can't post pictures Right now, because For some reason my computer won't let me upload them the right way!!!!!!!!UGGGHHH My computer finally starts working to a certain extent... and It won't let me put on pictures:( Sadnessss anyway School starts next week, Well not really school because i don't go any were I stay at home all winter doing Algebra fun fun lol:)This summer has gone by way to fast I can't remember half of what I did, lol I think I had to much going on ! Now a have to babysit half the week during school :(So I have to do a lot of extra school work whenever I can ... That doesn't really bother me haha what else is there to do anyway babysitting is fun so it's not like a job to me I love the kids I do it for, So it makes it a bunch better!!! Speaking of babysitting and the kids I do it for I'm going to Disney world on my spring break this coming April:)(With a family I babysit for:) The only thing I'm worried about is the 13 hour car ride to Florida!!!!Aghhhh Thank goodness it's pretty much a year away lol!
As long as I don't have to get my picture taken with Winnie the poo I'm alll good :)haha But any way I gotta go I will pit new pics on soon I have lot's so byezzz ♥Me
As long as I don't have to get my picture taken with Winnie the poo I'm alll good :)haha But any way I gotta go I will pit new pics on soon I have lot's so byezzz ♥Me
Friday, August 22, 2008
I'm here:) yayaya
I finally am here, In Memphis!!Im at my brothers George's now staying with Maggie and Anna:)They have gotten so so big:(Maggie isn't a baby anymore:(But she is so sweet she never stops talking, I missed her very badly!! Ill get pics on soon but I gtg Love ♥ CaLliE
Friday, August 1, 2008
I am Alive!!!
Just a quick update...My computer is a goner:(So I have to go to the library ughhhh!!! Oh well maybe it will be fixed soon!!:)Thank the Lord for my phone I have internet on it so I can atleast check my mail but anyway i gtg♥u
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Kent and Kenny's uhhhhh lol hat game
On the way to camp we were kinda getting bored,soooo Kent and Kenny made up this game lol it was pretty funny !!! I know they will kill me for puttung this on here haha but sorry it's hilarious:o
Summer pics ...
I'm back ! We went to pick up Will In Ms on June 27th , Then we went to Alabama Main camp! It was lots of fun!!! I have had a great summe so far :)
Will and I, Right after we picked him we were on our on our way to Al.
This is a pic from his Military academy , It was the graduation

Something mom of lol?
At main camp:) Racheal ,Tristine ,and I playen cards haha
hmmmm yep we crazy!!!!
Something mom of lol?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
More Youth camp pics......
Saturday, June 21, 2008
More Youth Camp Pics .... ♥
Monday, June 16, 2008
Alabama Youth camp!!
I had a awesome time at camp this year ! Sports were amzing loved soccer and softball :) And most important the teaching was amazing!!! Travis Johnson really did a great job :)
water wars :) I don't know what I was doing in this pic hehe
I really fun relay! The only problem is that jamie LOVES getting me wet haha but it was fun I didn't mind lol
Haha Zach and the guy on the right, I don't know his name he won camper of the week !!!
Taking pictures before service :) My beautiful freinds
Amy , Kent and I i don't know who's hand was on Amy's shoulder ?
water wars :) I don't know what I was doing in this pic hehe
Saturday, June 7, 2008
2 more days
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
way down south babyeeee :)
Will :) Will is going to , Wait he already is at Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy .
It's a Academy and a a training type of place for guys who would like to be in the Military or Try to make it to West Point !!! He will be there for a month :( I miss him soooo bad :( I forgot he wasn't here just now and set a a place for him at the table :(

This is Will and mom on their way down to Fort Gibson Mississippi. Southern states are cool they have a lot of charm that Ky and Ohio just can't hold a candle to :O
This is the building that My awesome brother will be staying at for a month
Him getting ready to leave ,(I hate this pic it makes me cry when I look at it I miss him so bad I love him so much !
They passed into Louisiana !! He wanted a pic of him there (Isn't he so handsome?? A lot of people think its is a boot camp for bad kids it's not ! He made a choice to go here he wants to learn and experience new things I love him for it he is missing his b-day and camp that he would love to go to but he made this decision I'm really proud of him for it too :) I can't wait to see him I miss it when he goofs offs and wakes me up in the morning by jumping on my bed and screaming hehe I sound like he is dead but he is my twin pretty much my other half :(
This is Will and mom on their way down to Fort Gibson Mississippi. Southern states are cool they have a lot of charm that Ky and Ohio just can't hold a candle to :O
This is the building that My awesome brother will be staying at for a month
It's SUMMA !!!!
Ok ah today ok, Well ,yes ,a tornado hmhhh while I was babysitting . I heard the siren and as soon as that happened I got two calls at the same time one from my momma and one from dad :( They were both FREAKING OUT!! LOL I had both of the kids taking a nap and they told me to go wake them up and take them to the basement immediately ! OK , not like this didn't scare me ANY because there was one little problemo ? NO BASEMENT ! They said to go to the BATHROOM yuk lol :p So I woke the poor kids up went downstairs, as I was trying to change a dirty diaper my dad calls again haha and he ask if I was in the bathroom with the kids yet? I said nope , OK ,I didn't think it was that bad until I went to where dad ask me to go as soon as the lights started to go out, I peeked out into the living room and looked out the window (note to self probably not the best thing to do at a time like this ha) And all I saw was pitch black an a green sky that when I started to get really nervous !
So The kis were screaming because the lights were out ,And I was ready to die !:( It went on for a while .The thunder was literaly shaking the house and I was really scared ! I mean I have been through tornados tons of times but not by myself, with two babies :( aaggghhh I didn't know what I should do ?My dad kept calling telling me to stay were I was but we could't barely breathe sitting in that bathroom much longer wow it was cramped ha FINALLY the weather got better and I came out thankful to see the parents come home ! WOW what a day :)
A neat car that Emily took a pic of while she was in Rome (I'ts called a smart car)
hahhahahahahahahahahahah (NO COMMENT)

Friday, May 30, 2008
I think I should post ?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
More Maggie pictures
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My dear sweet baby niece Mags !
We are having bunches of fun with Mags the magot here lol! She is so good and the sweet girl we love her sooo MUCH!!
Mags and I walking in the front yard before we went to the park:)
looking at a bug heehehe
she is sooo cute

pretty girl (she can't live without her horse It's so cute when she says "horse" lol)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
= )
Hi, Peoples , I haven't posted in a little bit so I just felt like it . I know my song that starts when you get on here is really cheesy but I love it LOL it's awesome hehe !! Maggie is coming in 3 days ya ya !! She get to sleep in my room lol :) But I have to sleep on the couch yuk oh well I gotta go :p
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Emily is leaving for Rome tomorrow I'm really sad about it I won't see her for eight days !! No sneaking into her room and checking unread text messages rotfl and no borrowing any cute clothes ugghhh this is really tragic ! And I always fall asleep better at night when I know she is In the room across from me I love her so much I will miss her insanely bad :( She has a little over ten hour flight with a two year old and A one year old ! Oh dear If you don't know why she is going its because she is going to nanny some kids while she is over there so the parents can enjoy it more I guess without having to take care of them . She is really excited!
a couple of min ago fast random shot lol
we rode a lot this weekend fun!
these are my babies !
Ok this is Gem the pony(no i did not name them haha) right before this pic will secretly got the sissors and did a terrible job on my babies mane!! I was DEVASTATED !!

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