Emily is leaving for Rome
tomorrow I'm really sad about it I won't see her for eight days !! No sneaking into her room and checking unread text messages rotfl and no borrowing any cute clothes ugghhh this is really tragic ! And I always fall asleep better at night when I know she is In the room across from me I love her so much I will miss her insanely bad :( She has a little over ten hour flight with a two year old and A one year old ! Oh dear If you don't know why she is going its because she is going to nanny some kids while she is over there so the parents can enjoy it more I guess without having to take care of them . She is really excited!
a couple of min ago fast random shot lol

we rode a lot this weekend fun!

these are my babies !

Ok this is Gem the pony(no i did not name them haha) right before this pic will secretly got the sissors and did a terrible job on my babies mane!! I was DEVASTATED !!

I want to go shopping with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iknow we are such fashionistas lol!
I would be so sad if I was you!!!
Hope she has fun!!!
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