Wednesday, February 27, 2008

~ Time to post ~

Hi :) I think It's about time to post , I really never get around to it anymore .Well I'm glad that it rained yesterday and we didn't get snow haha !!! I am really getting tierd of snow blah...... When I went sleding last week , It , the hill was covered in ice , so I went flying down the hill and lost control and went facefoward into the ice ! I cut my face up pretty good :( Thankfully it looks better this week !! so I found out from Emily just a couple of minutes ago. That a family that I babysit for needed me tomorow , thats not a problem I guess but, I already have a job tomorow afternoon after school ,soo... I have to get up really early finish most of my school go babysit in the morning through afternoon ( I have to bring my school while I babysit of course while they are sleeping haha) Then after that job go on to another right after it :(:(:( ahhhhh Oh well Oh my goodness I just looked outside it's snowing AGAIN NOOOO I'm gonna cry hehe not lol wellz Iza better go love ya MUAHHH haha *callie*


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you have to babyset and do your school!! I hope you have fun with the kids your babysetting!! TTYL

Kate said...

Did your mom make the reservations yet? I've tried calling you and can never get you. And that night you called me I was really sick so that's why I didn't get on the phone. I'm better though! :) If she's planning on me making them that's fine. I can't find the number so that's why I haven't done it yet.

Anonymous said...

So, like yeah that's why she hasn't done it yet!!!