Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanksgiving pictures!

Mags playing in the cabinet
Mom reading to mags

She loved playing the piano lol

My family came here for thanksgiving this year ! So here are the pics


Anonymous said...

Oh, She is so very cute! Thanx for putting pictures on!!!!! I can't wait to see you! Hey, call me sometime!

Naomi Wright

Anonymous said...

Yah! Esther got the wrong number or something because we could hardly ever get them! We tried and tried but, we were out of luck. You know what I just thought of though? She invited me to come over tonight again so, hopefully we'll try tonight. Just be sure to listen! lol

Kate said...

So, are you excited that you get to see Michael Buble? How much are the tickets? That's too bad that you were babysitting during the play. It was really ne;pa,tlp;, (Esther's language there) (she just did that randomly) I'm hoping we can go ice skating tonight! I haven't talked to my mom yet or anything though. I just remembered, I probably have a volleyball game tomorrow night!!! Anyways, by! :)