At our house we are all big ole miss fans . Its the football team for University of MS . And there mascot is Ole Miss ! My sister wanted me to put this pic of her on my blog . She got this hat when she went to MS this past week and she also got this really cool t-shirt that says Ole Miss with colonel Reb on it . nope It wasn't a stupid UK SHIRT ! I mean UK is OK but we are way cooler HUH ! Well I must be on my way I have more important things to do than right on my blog when nobody reads it , OH and by the way if your not a blog member you can now right on my blog I changed it to anybody could comment but please don't right anonymous :) I really like to see who rights on my blog It's better that way thanx! luv ya Cali
Hey Callie! :)
That's awesome! I love cameras. haha. I have one too, but I broke it! OOPS! lol :P I gotta get it fixed! Soooo did you get Matt's e-mail address? ;) hehehe.
No I didnt, hehe I have an email address but I need a new one cuz mine isn't working ! But I don't even know him so I guess I it doesn't matter . he he hopefully you don't scare him 2 much bout me !! jk r u going 2 be @ church on Sunday? cul
What a shame Callie! Jump at the opportunity girl! Ha ha. Like the hat Emily ...goes so well with your dress!
Amy what do you mean by that hat goes so well with your dress? I don't know if I should jump at that amos haha lol!
Oh you poor misguided Mississippian(I think that's how you spell that).We all know UK is much,much better!jk
p.s.I hear your going to Alabama camp so you can see Matt.jk
I don't know If I can go yet though maybe not ? Hopefully! I'm mad @ u! jk
I was talking to Emily about her dress matching her hat, oh bright one! Haha!lol
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