Thursday, January 22, 2009
K here are sooommee pics=D
Owen Taylor and I...I seriously love the heck outta these kids!!I babysit them sooo much I <3 them they're sooo AdOrABeL!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009
Maggie and her aunt...lol
We went to Tn.this past weekend to visit my brother and sis-in-law and My BEaUtIfUl niece Maggie =].....We went to a civil war park and Just sat untop of cannons and took pics hehe ...and this one is off my phone so it's not a very good pic :( I'll have some more later it's just this is the only one I have put on so far duh lol anyway I hope everybody had an amazing Christmas and New Years!!!! I wrote my new years resoloutions out yesterday oh wow hmmm so much stuff i need to work on in my life even small little stuff haha but Im excited to see how this year turns out!!
well I must go Im goin to starbucks with my Motherrrr... haha ttya'll Later

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