Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
hi :)
Well I'm back and i didn't get to post all the pictures of Maggie that I wanted to but , anyway I thought I thought I would post this cute one! She is soo sweet and i already miss her . This was at my brother George's graduation she was kinda bored so there is always a purse around lol :) well i need to go bye Love ~*Callie*~
Her so adorable you can't deny it can you :):):) you know it
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
sry left out stuff
well btw i left out some really important things in my latest post my bother George graduated from Memphis State University this Sunday !!! He is awesome :) and i took a couple of pix of Maggie and my bro at the graduation so hopefully when i get home i will put those pix on. Well right now i need to pack up im leaving tomorrow morning :(:(:( im really sad but ill be down in less than a month :) well se yall soon and i dont really miss ky sry just can't :-p its not that i don't like it its just that i love it here ;) i miss some of my friends i guess lol but anywhoo cyall soon luvya~*Callie*~ PS: I'M PROUD OF MISELF I ONLY PACKED 5OR SIX FLIP-FLOPS but u know i had to take more than just flip-flops no brainer :0 lol bye
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
hi and no im not back yet :) yay !!!
Well im am in Memphis tn. right know and i have had such a crzy wild well u know one of those weeks my bro george is getting married in less than a month so me and Emily and will are in the wedding CAN'T WAIT! so that meant had to get fitted for dresses tuxes and get shoes which meant shopping normaly i love shoppin but not this kind lol i got this really pretty dress to wear for the wedding it's so neat emily is goin to be a bridesmaid too but she is wearin a different dress than me . And then Will is goin to be an usher no not the rapper haha that would be weird but u know what that is he has this sweet awsome tux that he is goin to wear ist chocolate colored :) Oh yeah and then we have to go to joni's (my future sis inlaw ) bridal shower and it waz extremly boring cuz all these old ppls i didnot know where all southern like u know emily and me where the only kids their so they were like awww how cute georges sisters annoying lol but it waz fine :) and lets see tomorow im goin to see my other grandma that lives about 1hour and a half from here and stuff soo more buzyness ahh well cu all soon enough luv bein here though ohh little updat on maggie she adorable and soo cute luv her sooo much !! oh and btw its like 106 degrees here very hott so not outside much lol but i love hot weather so dosnt bother me well need to go luv ya ~*Callie*~
Thursday, August 2, 2007
stuff !
This is from Tuesday nights softball game just some pix and the ones @the bottom r from jungle Jim's today we went with the stampers this has to be really quick sorry :(
ally an me
courtney an me @ supper :)
all of us in brooklyns sweet car :p
will kissing a pigs head @ jungle jims

a goats head ewwww gross
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